Welcome to holoplot

One of the biggest limitations of conventional loudspeaker technologies is the lack of control over the propagation of sound - leading to undirected sound fields, disturbing reflections and reverberation artefacts, and an often inconsistent sound experience across the audience area.

Holoplot technology enables precise steering of sound, by providing directivity control in both the vertical and horizontal axis. This allows for the creation of sound fields that optimally cover audience areas of any shape and size, so every seat is the best seat.


Creative Technology is excited to announce our investment in the innovative new Holoplot X2 Array. This advanced technology offers a wide range of applications and is set to transform the way we use and experience sound.

The HOLOPLOT Matrix Arrays employ a powerful combination of 3D Audio-Beamforming and Wave Field Synthesis to precisely shape and steer beams in two dimensions. This breakthrough in technology opens up new possibilities for sound control and immersive experiences.

Service & Support

Adding constant value to our customers’ businesses

With smart service solutions that are enabled by the IoT and interconnectivity capabilities of Holoplot’s X1 Module and supported by additional service and cloud infrastructure.


Instant support and peace of mind with real-time remote monitoring & issue-solving services via smart problem identification.


Regular system check-ups to ensure optimal performance from day of commissioning into the future.

Software & System Updates

Latest software updates and new features for continuous product improvement.

Beam Steering Technology at cisco Live! 24

In previous years, ambient noise and amplified presentations combined and cancelled each other out due to proximity and build of breakout spaces. By using Holoplot’s Beam technology, sound coverage was limited to the audience area, and any low end energy dissipated quickly.

  • At CL24 , 16 breakout rooms were built as hard walled surfaces, back-to-back/side to side with carpet lining.

  • 2 x Holoplot X1 modules were installed (flown) per room to provide a defined and focused listening space with minimal bounce/dispersion in the adjoining and adjacent breakout spaces.

  • Using the manufactures acoustic modelling solution and integration with supplied CAD drawings, CTs audio team were able to model in advance with the CL24s Technical team the predicted coverage, noise levels and more importantly spill in to adjoining communal and presentation spaces.